Laser and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
The Skin Department we have chosen Cutera® technology, premium and a world leader in aesthetic lasers.
Cutrea® NdYag coolgluide laser (medical grade) uses Coolgluide treatment head that cool’s the skin during treatment, ensuring best possible comfort especially in small and sensitive areas. Laser energy is targeted at the hair follicle and over the course of treatment this damages the follicle, permanently reducing the ability of the follicle to re grow hair.
Laser’s NdYag and IPL (Intense Pulses light) clinically proven methods of permanent hair reduction ensure best outcome.
One type of laser cannot be used to treat all skin and hair types effectively. As professionals in hair removal we use the best technology suitable to you, your skin and hair type. We use a Ndyag (laser) for hair removal on medium to dark skins and IPL is used for medium to fair skin types.
Treatment Areas include: Bikini, Brazilian, Facial, Legs, Arms, Underarm.
Most people need anywhere from six to eight treatments, with a 4-6 week break in between.
The correct treatment plan for you will be discussed at consultation as area and hair density will confirm your treatment plan. To discuss the best hair removal treatment for you, contact us.
Frequently asked questions
Laser Hair Removal/IPL Hair Removal
IPL By Cutera For Colour Correction And General Rejuvenation
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. IPL improves your skin by minimising or even removing red veins, brown pigmentation and general redness or rosacea with controlled light.
As we age, our skin has a tendency to age in multiple ways. Sometimes it is with wrinkles, sometimes it is with sagging skin and sometimes aging is with blotchy pigmented or sun-damaged skin. Or it can be multiple little broken capillaries on our face, neck or chest. Aged skin isn’t always the issue but freckles may have always bothered you. A medical grade IPL can very effectively remove sunspots including freckles and vessels on the skin. This will leave us with a much more even skin tone and colour. The great news is that IPL also stimulates collagen which improves fine lines and pore size so our skin will benefit even more from treatment.
Most areas of our skin can be treated with IPL but the most common areas are the face, neck, chest and hands
Generally, only lighter skin types can have IPL so skin types 1-3 can be safely treated with IPL but anyone with a darker skin type 4-6 would not be able to have this type of treatment safely. This is due to the fact that the machine cannot make the distinction between the damage it is trying to take away and your natural skin colour. This can potentially lead to PIH (Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation) or hypopigmentation.
If you have a skin type 4-6 and have concerns with uneven skin tone, you may be better to look at a Dermamelan peel or our sister company Nakedlaserstudio.com’s offerings through their Enlighten 3 laser.
IPL generally is safe, especially when you have a quality machine such as the Cutera Xeo platform. It has safety features such as a coolglide tip. This ensures the skin is cooled effectively during the pulses keeping the skin from getting burned. It also self-calibrates before every pulse, ensuring that he pulse you get is the correct one.
Side effects of the treatment are redness, and heat feeling like sunburn for a few hours. Some people experience swelling, especially the next day. These are all temporary and will resolve over a few hours to a few days.
There is a risk of hyper/hypopigmentation of your skin. Your nurse will not treat you if they feel it is not an appropriate treatment for you. Blistering is rare but possible. You will be given advice if this happens.
For pigmentation, the light is absorbed by the colour of the excess pigmentation, so the light energy pulses to this area. It effectively shatters the pigment, which then becomes debris in the skin. The pigmentation will now look worse like a graze which is a good sign that it will work well. This can be somewhat covered by makeup. Through your body’s normal rejuvenation cycle it will come to the surface and shed off. This usually takes 4-21 days. It is quicker on the face than elsewhere on the body. Typically, you need one or two treatments for this.
For blood vessels, the light is attracted to the haemoglobin in the vessel and coagulates it. Your body will reabsorb the vessels and this process takes around three weeks to see your final result. Vessels are more stubborn to treat than pigmentation so it may take several treatments to really get a good reduction of vessels/broken capillaries and excessive redness. If they are large vessels we may opt to use our ND Yag laser which treats larger vessels often found around the nose in particular.
For general rejuvenation of the skin you would ideally do three treatments to get an improvement of fine lines and pore size and just general skin health.
Frequently asked questions
Laser Genesis
This treatment is perfect for busy, on-the-go individuals who are interested in combating the early signs of aging to reveal a new, radiant complexion.
This treatment gently heats up the skin using a multi pulse technique with the ND Yag hand piece. It goes deep yet gently into the skin and stimulates collagen. It is excellent skin fitness and you will have no downtime. Any skin type can have this treatment.
Laser Genesis is a perfect treatment to have prior to a function as it leaves your skin radiant and glowing.
Laser Genesis is great for pore size, acne and reducing redness in skin. With no downtime and no discomfort, it is a clinic favourite!
A series of four to six Laser Genesis treatments are recommended to achieve an optimal outcome, and ongoing maintenance treatments are encouraged to sustain results over time.
Even one treatment for a particular function will have your skin looking radiant.
You may notice a slight redness which will resolve in a few hours. In general, you will have no adverse effects and can carry on with your normal daily activities.
If you are seeking a quick, no-downtime procedure to gently improve your overall complexion that gives you a “camera-ready” appearance, Laser Genesis is the treatment for you!